Every batch of fudge is mixed up from scratch into our 30-pound kettles. From there we wheel it out and put it on our stove for everyone to see

Once the fudge is on the stove and boiling, its time for the fun part! Every batch of fudge is cooked to an exact temperature, usually in the neighborhood of 240 degrees. This is the most important part of the process because if the temperature is missed, then the fudge won’t turn out and we will have wasted a lot of time! Thankfully most of our cooks are highly trained professionals so they rarely miss a temp. Once the temp is hit we pour the fudge out on the table

Once the fudge hits the table, it sits for 10 minutes and then we start the calorie extraction process! For about 20 minutes we work the fudge all over the marble tables

As soon as it starts to cool and thicken, I trade out my creamer for a smaller tool to make the final passes on it.

The final step is cutting each slice into a half pound slice. I fill up a tray and bring it right over to the sales counter where my sales staff sells it to hungry fudge eaters all over the world!